
Code Of Conduct Reporting Channel

We strive to act ethically and be worthy of your trust as professionals. It’s paramount to us that our staff, customers, and other stakeholders regard our actions as ethically sound. You play a crucial role in our success.


We aim to maintain transparency and trust in Renta’s business operations. We are committed to acting ethically and in compliance with laws, regulations, and rules.

We want to prevent misconduct and unethical behavior, and therefore we encourage Renta’s employees and partners to report any suspicions related to misconduct or unethical activities.


Renta Whistleblowing Reporting Channel

Renta’s reporting channel offers the possibility to report suspected misconduct or unethical behavior, such as corruption, bribery, harassment, or other dishonest activities, as well as issues under the whistleblower legislation. The channel is not intended for customer feedback or complaints processing.

Reports can also be made directly to the Office of the Chancellor of Justice’s centralized reporting channel in certain situations. Reports can be made both in writing and orally. Anonymous reports are not accepted. However, for the reporter to be entitled to the protection under the whistleblower protection law, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • The reporter has a reasonable cause to believe that no necessary actions have been taken based on an internal report to verify the accuracy of the report and, if necessary, to address the violation within the time limits set by law.
  • The reporter has a reasonable cause to believe that the violation cannot be effectively addressed based on an internal report.
  • The reporter has a reasonable cause to believe that they are at risk of retaliation due to the report.


The reporting channel is not connected to Renta’s IT systems but is maintained by an external service provider, WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre AB. To ensure the anonymity of the reporter and the protection of information, the reporting procedure is strongly encrypted and protected.

All reports are taken seriously and treated confidentially.


The reporting channel is available in nine different languages. You can make a report here. here.

PRIVACY NOTICE - Whistleblowing Reporting Channel