Renta Supplier Requirements
Professionals of your trust. That´s who we are.

Professionals of your trust. That´s who we are.
Renta’s goal is to ensure a safe, responsible, and reliable work environment every day. This goal applies to both Renta’s own personnel and suppliers and other partners. Everyone has a duty to act in a manner that promotes safety, health, and a positive work atmosphere.
The supplier’s operations, practices, and products must always comply with applicable national legislation, EU legislation, and regulations or other provisions issued by the competent authority. The supplier must ensure that the company and its subcontractors have all the necessary eligibility, residence, and work permits required by laws and regulations. The supplier must have at least a description of the control of key factors affecting the quality of operations and customer satisfaction (quality manual, operating system, certificate, etc.) and a commitment to continuous improvement. The supplier must have a procedure for handling complaints. The supplier must provide proper guidance for employee orientation. Persons working at Renta’s premises may only move in areas required for their work. The delivered machine or tool must come with complete documentation, at least in Finnish and Swedish, including operating instructions, certificates, commissioning, and inspection certificates in electronic form: The driver must always use a suitable vehicle, equipment, and loading method for each transport. The supplier is responsible for ensuring that, concerning product deliveries, the supplier adheres to Renta’s ethical principles and anti-corruption principles (see Renta – Code Of Conduct).
Renta has the right, separately agreed upon, to conduct an inspection or audit to verify the supplier’s quality management, occupational safety, and environmental aspects.
1.1 Responsibility and Environmental Aspects
The supplier recognizes the significant environmental impacts of its own operations. The supplier must have a documented environmental program. The supplier does not use materials or substances prohibited by EU legislation or the legislation of the buyer or the supplier’s domicile.
1.2 Social Responsibility
The supplier must ensure that its supply chain, including the procurement of raw materials and the activities of potential partners and subcontractors, complies with local laws and collective agreements as well as the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) minimum norms for labor. The supplier must also ensure that the supply chain adheres to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).
In addition to the above, the supplier commits to adhering to the following principles throughout its supply chain and ensuring that its potential partners and subcontractors are committed to these principles: Employees have the right to organize and form trade unions and to join them. Employees must not be discriminated against or favored for any reason. Employees must be paid at least a reasonable wage according to legislation and collective agreements. Overtime work must be exceptional, voluntary, and paid at an increased rate. Employees must be provided with a safe and healthy working environment. The company must have at least statutory occupational health care in place. An employee starting work must not be younger than defined in national law or ILO minimum norms. Young workers must be particularly protected from working conditions that are harmful to health or safety. Job tasks must be based on a documented employment relationship complying with at least national laws. The employee must have the right to leave the workplace and, upon notice, terminate the employment relationship. Employment must not be based on forced labor, debt repayment, and no collateral can be demanded from the employee for their work.
1.3 Information Security and Processing of Personal Data
Documents related to work are the property of the client unless otherwise agreed upon. Suppliers and other personnel on the construction site must not convey to third parties information related to the client’s activities, finances, or other confidential matters. The destruction of documents containing confidential information must be carried out in accordance with good data protection practices. The processing of personal data must always comply with the applicable data protection legislation.
2.1 Supervision and Control
The supplier is responsible for managing the assigned work, supervising its employees, and ensuring safety. The supplier must allocate sufficient resources to its supervision for ensuring safety. Upon separate written agreement, the supplier’s employees may work under Renta’s management (temporary labor), in which case representatives of Renta are also responsible for occupational safety.
2.2 Planning and Inspections
The supplier is responsible for ensuring that the machines, equipment, and protective gear used in the work are in good condition and suitable for the task at hand. The supplier is obligated to perform and document commissioning and periodic inspections of the machines, tools, lifting equipment, and lifting accessories used. The supplier is responsible for ensuring that a separate written lifting plan is made for every lift that deviates from normal or poses a danger. Upon the client’s request, a supplier working on a common construction site must prepare a safety and environmental plan based on a risk analysis of its own activities. The plan must be prepared for significant construction, demolition, installation, and maintenance work involving safety or environmental risks. The supplier must participate, as required by the client’s specifications, in joint workplace safety rounds, risk assessments, or investigations. The transportation company is responsible for considering safety and environmental issues in route planning.
2.3 Competence Requirements for Personnel
Employees must have sufficient professional skills and the statutory and other qualifications required for the safe performance of the work. The supplier must maintain a list of individuals with the employer’s written permits, as required by the Government Decree on the Safe Use and Inspection of Work Equipment (403/2008):
2.4 Personal Protective Equipment and Use of ID Cards
Regarding protective equipment and other safety regulations, site-specific and Renta’s minimum requirements, as well as the supplier’s safety instructions for protective equipment, must be followed. A safety helmet must be worn when lifting work with a tower crane or a vehicle loading crane. The service provider is responsible for ensuring that its personnel have acquired the necessary protective gear and equipment for work (such as protective clothing, eye and hearing protection, safety footwear, helmet, safety harness, respiratory protection, lighting, working platforms, etc.). The supplier must consider the safety of people moving, especially in winter conditions (good footwear, studded shoes, non-slip devices, etc.). Every person working on a common construction site must have a visible personalized photo ID when moving on the site. The ID must include:
2.5 Reporting of Safety Observations, Hazards, and Accidents
The supplier must promptly inform Renta and other personnel working on the common construction site about hazards arising from its activities. The supplier must immediately inform Renta’s contact person of safety observations, incidents, accidents, environmental and property damage resulting from its activities. The supplier is obligated to conduct an investigation into any work-related accidents, other damage, or serious incidents within two weeks of the occurrence.
2.6 Working at Heights
The supplier must assess the risk of falling related to the work and develop a plan to prevent falls. The supplier must ensure the acquisition and installation of necessary protective equipment, temporary structures, and work platforms to prevent falls unless otherwise agreed upon. Temporary structures must be dismantled at the end of the work. If tools or waste can fall onto workstations or walkways, the supplier must demarcate the work area using fences, canopies, warning signs, or other safety devices.
2.7 Hazardous Substances
The supplier must have a list in accordance with chemical legislation and safety data sheets for the chemicals used. The handling of chemicals must be organized to prevent leaks from entering drains or the environment directly. The supplier must be prepared for spills of the chemicals used with suitable containment and rescue equipment.
2.8 Orderliness and Cleanliness
Every supplier must keep its work environment in order and tidy on a daily basis. This includes cleaning the workplace immediately after work and sorting waste and surplus materials in accordance with waste management law and relocating them to the location designated by the client. The supplier is obliged to obtain the waste collection containers needed for workstations unless otherwise agreed upon. If the supplier fails to fulfill these obligations, the client may arrange cleaning at the supplier’s expense without a separate agreement.
2.9 Fire Safety
The supplier must ensure that its activities do not pose a risk of fire or other damage. The supplier must ensure the acquisition of adequate firefighting equipment and fire watch, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
2.10 Loading and Unloading of Vehicles
The freight driver is responsible for the vehicle staying in place during loading or unloading and for securely fastening the load for transportation. The transportation company is responsible for the entry or exit of pedestrians, scissor lifts, and other work machines and for lifting operations at construction site facilities. The transportation company must ensure that no unauthorized persons are working or staying in the danger zone and must interrupt work if the danger area cannot be secured or if a hazardous situation arises.
2.11 Procedures in Case of Violations
The client and the supplier ensure through orientation, training, guidance, and supervision that personnel comply with regulations. Detected violations must always be reported to Renta’s representative and the person’s supervisor. Renta may remove a person from the common workplace, and the person may be denied access to the workplace in the future. Expulsions from the construction site may extend to all Renta locations. Zero tolerance is observed in the use of alcohol and other substances. As a consequence of substance abuse, removal from the common workplace is mandatory. If the same supplier repeatedly exhibits negligence or if the neglect is deemed particularly egregious, the procurement agreement can be terminated, and a waiting period can be observed at the client’s discretion.