Renta Easy+ Real-time construction site data
A new add-on service for Renta Easy users. Environmental control, equipment management, and alerts all in one app.

A new add-on service for Renta Easy users. Environmental control, equipment management, and alerts all in one app.
Now at a price of €15 / user / month (excl. VAT).
Contact your nearest Renta office and take your project management to the next level!
Renta Easy+ is a add-on service that provides additional features and a broader view alongside the basic functions of the Renta Easy app.
Renta Easy+ is not a separate application; it can be compared to a channel package.
Renta Easy+ is aimed at Renta Easy business users who benefit from environmental control data, advanced telematics, and customizable alerts for machinery.
Renta Easy+ provides access to advanced information:
Renta Easy+ brings important information to light. It makes it easier for you to make the right decisions at the right time.